If the people not getting vaccinated would also not go to hospital when they catch covid, I'd be fine with that. Sadly I have too many friends having surgeries postponed because the hospital is full of people who threw caution to the wind, and too many friends who are medical professionals burning out. Want to ignore science? Stay home and grab a leech or a healing crystal when you get sick.
If the people not getting vaccinated would also not go to hospital when they catch covid, I'd be fine with that. Sadly I have too many friends having surgeries postponed because the hospital is full of people who threw caution to the wind, and too many friends who are medical professionals burning out. Want to ignore science? Stay home and grab a leech or a healing crystal when you get sick.
Should vaccinated people be allowed to go to the hospital? In the UK about 80% of those in the hospital with covid are fully vaccinated.
Should smokers be allowed in the hospital? More people are dying from smoking related illness than Covid.
Should overweight people who eat too much red meat be allowed in the hospital?
Should those who have blood clots or other issues from the vaccine be allowed in the hospital?
Maybe Lisa decides who gets medical treatment?
I thought waiting in line for your turn was part of the Canadian health care system? I Canadian I worked with always took his medical treatments in the US so he wouldn't have to wait in Canada.
As far as "ignore science", that makes me laugh. Did you listen to "science" when 8 months ago they told you if you got two shots you couldn't catch covid? Then "science" told you surely if you got 3 you would be safe. And now look at you, you are afraid to get on an airplane. What happened to your science?
Aw Gene. Every interaction with you is an absolute delight. Sorry, but I have to go club a baby seal now to make my quota before the end of the year. That was your last rant to me about the evils of Canada
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:58 pm Posts: 1424 Location: San Marcos, CA
Precision Gem wrote:
Barbra Voltaire, FGG wrote:
Smartie, smartie, Gene.
Better safe than becoming a possible carrier pigeon. I have older family members, in their 80s, and I'd hate to inadvertently pass anything on.
That makes sense. It's pretty clear by now that the shots don't make you immune from either catching the virus or spreading it.
I wonder if the government will ever admit that this makes the mandates nonsense. A few weeks ago at our lyme doctor a new person came in for an ozone IV. She worked for the federal government, and was required to get the shot. A day after her first shot she was in the hospital with blood clots, and has been dealing with low blood oxygen, hence the ozone IV. She ended up loosing her job, since she wouldn't get the second shot after the first one nearly killed her. People shouldn't be made to make this difficult decisions. The most bizzar thing was, with her job she was working from home.
Aw Gene. Every interaction with you is an absolute delight. Sorry, but I have to go club a baby seal now to make my quota before the end of the year. That was your last rant to me about the evils of Canada
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:58 pm Posts: 1424 Location: San Marcos, CA
Precision Gem wrote:
As far as "ignore science", that makes me laugh. Did you listen to "science" when 8 months ago they told you if you got two shots you couldn't catch covid? Then "science" told you surely if you got 3 you would be safe. And now look at you, you are afraid to get on an airplane. What happened to your science?
I do not believe anyone was told you can't contract covid with any shots. Your a real piece of work. Belittling people for being cautious and concerned of and for others. Your more than welcome to live in your dome of beliefs but you do not decide where your dome walls begin and ends that will encompass others.
As far as "ignore science", that makes me laugh. Did you listen to "science" when 8 months ago they told you if you got two shots you couldn't catch covid? Then "science" told you surely if you got 3 you would be safe. And now look at you, you are afraid to get on an airplane. What happened to your science?
I do not believe anyone was told you can't contract covid with any shots. Your a real piece of work. Belittling people for being cautious and concerned of and for others. Your more than welcome to live in your dome of beliefs but you do not decide where your dome walls begin and ends that will encompass others.
I didn't make this up. Here are your experts from the past year.
And I can show you a hundred more websites that state just the opposite. And I know many people personally with chronic lyme that ozone has helped.
Of course the government and CDC state that only a prescription drug can treat a disease. Ever wonder why that is? Could it be something to due if the huge big pharm lobby?
Did you know that much of you bottled water in Canada is treated with ozone?
I thought you lived in Europe for a period time. Ozone therapy in Europe is much more prevalent than it is in the US. Surprised you didn't hear of it there.
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:58 pm Posts: 1424 Location: San Marcos, CA
Precision Gem wrote:
glhays wrote:
Precision Gem wrote:
As far as "ignore science", that makes me laugh. Did you listen to "science" when 8 months ago they told you if you got two shots you couldn't catch covid? Then "science" told you surely if you got 3 you would be safe. And now look at you, you are afraid to get on an airplane. What happened to your science?
I do not believe anyone was told you can't contract covid with any shots. Your a real piece of work. Belittling people for being cautious and concerned of and for others. Your more than welcome to live in your dome of beliefs but you do not decide where your dome walls begin and ends that will encompass others.
I didn't make this up. Here are your experts from the past year.
What I find sad is you wanting to believe or project these are experts. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink is all that comes to mind in watching your colleague of clips. If you lead a heard of horses to the water many may just drink the water and that is all you can hope for. This is like me saying your experts are of the fox type, where the sly fox tells its pray to resist precaution, resist the call to protect itself, all the while hiding in its den getting the protections it so calls to be a bunch of baloney. My experts are the ones that administered my shots and clearly defined the effectiveness of it not the media circus or Kirkland vitamin supplements. Like I said if 80% of the horses drink that's better than one stubborn mule that won't.
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:58 pm Posts: 1424 Location: San Marcos, CA
Onto another subject entirely but somewhat about trusting science. Did anyone know that? "Ancient Human DNA Found in 'Lice Glue' Left on 2,000-Year-Old Mummies" Who would of thought science can figure out this kind of stuff.
[/quote] What I find sad is you wanting to believe or project these are experts. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink is all that comes to mind in watching your colleague of clips. If you lead a heard of horses to the water many may just drink the water and that is all you can hope for. This is like me saying your experts are of the fox type, where the sly fox tells its pray to resist precaution, resist the call to protect itself, all the while hiding in its den getting the protections it so calls to be a bunch of baloney. My experts are the ones that administered my shots and clearly defined the effectiveness of it not the media circus or Kirkland vitamin supplements. Like I said if 80% of the horses drink that's better than one stubborn mule that won't.[/quote]
I can only assume you didn't watch the video I posted. The "experts" on it were:
1. Bill Gates, maybe you have heard of him, big investor in Pfizer, BioNTech stock. 2. Dr. Anthony Fauci MD NIAID Director. 3. Dr. Rochelle Walensky MD. Director of the CDC 4. President Joe Biden. 5. Rachel Maddow MSNBC host.
A little extra Vitamin D3 won't hurt you. No one ever got a blood clot or myocarditis from it. But I don't think it should be mandated to take!
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